We have been encouraging her to stop eating through out the day...and to cut back on the pumpkin pie. She is finding that large amounts of pumpkin pie tend to make one look like a pumpkin. Her scales would testify of that fact as she is hovering between 165 and 170 lbs. I have noticed lately, however, that the pumpkin pies are not disappearing nearly as quickly as they had been. Soy milk and ice cream are still in high demand. Of course each of those has lots of calories and tend to create a lot of...um...uh...material, shall we say, for the diaper. I told her if she would scale back on the calories she wouldn't have to beat a path to the commode nearly as often. It is still a work in progress.
We have put him on hospice care to get him some more services. After 45 days (I think) of having hospice care he is evaluated again by the hospice doctor to see if he still qualifies for services. The jury is still out at this point, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him work his way off of their list of qualifiers. If he declines chronically or has an acute episode then we have to decide if we should remove him from hospice so he can get attention at the hospital or leave him on hospice and keep him comfortable. We hope and pray if that happens that the proper course will be clear before us.