Today, she said, he was still in bed because none of the aides could get him out of bed. He was more lethargic, not responsive, not eating or drinking or taking his meds. It sounded pretty grim.
When I arrived I found that all of the above was true, but not as bad as I had expected. I noticed that there was no moisture in his eyes...his lips were dry and pealing. His color was good, I could get him to drink a little, eat very little and when the aide came to give him his meds (crushed in applesauce) he relented and took the first bite. Just as I was asking the nurse how all that stuff tasted, he pipes in with "boy that stuff is nasty!". It took quite a bit more persuasion to get the second bite between his lips.

At times, quite often actually, I feel the emotions welling up inside of me because of the obvious conclusion to all of this. All the unfinished, unsaid, incomplete things seem to surface at once and it is very over-whelming. I sat there beside his bed and empathized with the thoughts and feelings I imagine he has but can't amazing, deep and calming sense of peace came over me as if to reassure me that things as they are, are just as they ought to be.
I went over to mom's room and spent an hour playing cards and listening to John Denver on her old record player. I commented how nice it sounded and she bragged to me that "I got that at a garage sale for $50". She seemed to be at peace with things and we enjoyed playing cards and listening to the music.
I made the drive home. As I walked in the door was greeted by Marie, Stephanie and Addy. That's nice to come home to. Marie and Stephanie went to play volleyball where Kelsie was to meet them. Addy was ready for bed. We took a minute to look at the circles she drew that day...not bad for a 2 year old.
Before I offered to tuck her in bed I asked her if she wanted to dance for a few minutes. (One of my favorite things to do, you know...grand daughter dances!) She agreed so I put on some of our favorite soft piano/instrumental music and danced. Just before she settled onto my shoulder for the dance, she pointed out when the piano portion chimed into the song and then said "I'm happy" and layed her head on my shoulder.
Me too, Addy...
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